Back to school must-haves for this semester?

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Kelsi Krandel/Staff

After buying your new Cal hoodie, you may think that you’ve already gotten everything you need to start this semester off right. Well, we at the Clog are telling you that you thought wrong. Your backpack still lacks junk that you probably don’t need, but you should carry just in case, and your bank account is just screaming at you to use up more money. Here are a few things you should not only consider for this semester, but should make it your top priority to attain.

Every single required reading

Saving money by downloading the .pdf versions of books is overrated, and it is probably scientifically proven that reading information off of physical books is much more effective than reading it off your Internet. So don’t even bother checking if there is a .pdf version of your required readings, or even use slugbooks to find the best price, and just buy all of them for full price from the Student Store.

Extension cords

On those days where you forgot to charge your laptop and cannot find a seat near the socket, you’re going to need an extension cord. Even if the nearest socket is by the professor, don’t be afraid to drag out your extension cord in front of the whole class. There is no way you’re writing down the notes by hand when your professor talks faster than your brain can process any of the information.

The Cal 1 card map

Again, using technology such as Google Maps or the online version of the campus map just makes it too easy. You want to live life the authentic way, which is why you need to get a campus map from the Cal 1 card office, and spread it out every single time you need to find a building.

A pillow for breaks between classes

When you have an hour gap between classes, it seems inefficient to walk back home to sleep for 30 minutes only to walk back to campus. To maximize your sleeping time, bring a pillow and find a secluded spot on campus to take your well-deserved nap. It will most likely not offend the professors if you carry a pillow into their class.

Climbing boots for the hills

When your schedule requires you to go up and down hills, a regular pair of flats just doesn’t cut it. Why not invest in a pair of boots that are made for hill climbing? It probably doesn’t go with your everyday outfit, and seems pretty excessive considering the slope, but comfort is most important at the end of the day.

Contact Catherine Straus at

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