Recipe: Healthy pesto pasta

Photo by Carmen Westra

Photo by Carmen Westra

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet. One of my all-time favorite meals has to be pasta. I usually have pasta a couple times a week, which isn’t the healthiest of foods, so I was looking online the other day for healthy ways to make pasta. I came across a pesto pasta recipe that looked absolutely delicious and tasted even better.

Here is what you will need:

– Whole Grain Pasta
– 2 Avocados
– Fresh Basil
– Minced Garlic
– Cherry Tomatoes
– Corn
– Nutritional Yeast
– Chickpeas

Start a pot of boiling water and cook pasta. Blend together the avocado and chickpeas. After the avocado and chickpeas are blended together, incorporate the basil and garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste. After the pasta is finished cooking, mix the pasta and avocado paste. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and mix them with the corn and add to the mixture. For a healthy alternative to cheese, sprinkle some nutritional yeast on the pasta to top it off.

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