Shasta Lake camp site debris a biohazard, U.S. Forest Service called in for cleanup

Local and student groups that showed up to clean the debris left behind at Lake Shasta last weekend were turned away by the U.S. Forest Service on Wednesday. The USFS reported that the debris was too biohazardous for regular clean-up crews to handle.

The now-infamous incident of left-behind litter after the UO’s Shasta Lake retreat this weekend has garnered national attention and led many local and student groups to travel to the area to pick up after those who left the mess. Photos of the litter indicate that members of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity may have been partly responsible for the trash left behind.

However, Phyllis Swanson, spokesperson for the Shasta Trinity National Forest Services, told the L.A. Times that used condoms, tampons, and human feces were left behind at the site on Slaughterhouse Island that were too much of a biohazard for regular clean-up crews to handle. A team of 25 workers from the Forest Service had to be sent to the site to safely and properly dispose of the waste.

It is unclear at this time which student groups were turned away this morning, though UO fraternity leadership has publicly announced that they would make efforts to get clean-up crews down there.

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