Opinion: A study in faith

Opinion: A study in faith


Alexander Hong/Staff

Despite the prevalence of Islamophobia across America, Muslim students at UC Berkeley continue to proudly practice their religion. In this special content, Muslim-identifying students write on rediscovering and redefining their faith and community on campus.

Teaching Islam: Schools must be proactive in bringing religious tolerance to classrooms

Dismantling Islamophobia will take decades, but education is the first step toward instilling tolerance and acceptance in our generation and the next.

— Editorial Board,
The Daily Californian

Op-Ed: The privilege of choice: A rediscovery of Islam

College years are our defining years. We’re free from parents (for the most part, that is, if you’re not Brown like me) and most of us are living on our own, making our own decisions, so it’s motivating and inspiring to see the Muslim youth cling to their religion autonomously.

Nora Elatar,
Sophomore at UC Berkeley 

Op-Ed: Being Muslim and Black at UC Berkeley

I am Muslim. I am Black. I am a Woman. It’s important to remember that our identities aren’t defined by one group but rather multiple factions. This intersectionality is what makes us individuals. At UC Berkeley there is a lack of Muslim students and even fewer Black students, making it hard to find a solid community.

 Aisha Jama,
Junior at UC Berkeley

Op-Ed:Mental health and being Muslim — can the two coexist?

You see, four months before I moved to Berkeley and started the semester, I was diagnosed with anxiety and clinical depression. Two months before starting the semester, I had just became accustomed to my pills and was becoming so dependent on my therapist, who allowed me to release and express myself in ways I never thought I could.

— Rabiah Shere,
Senior at UC Berkeley

Op-Ed: How Islam became my anchor in university

At UC Berkeley, I’ve met peers with more pride in their faith than anyone else I’ve ever met. On this campus, not only do people in my community deal with the day-to-day stressors of academics, but we also face the greater challenges of realizing other parts of our identities — politically, racially, sexually, etc.

— Imran Khan,
Junior at UC Berkeley 

The Daily Californian

Read more here: http://www.dailycal.org/2018/07/12/opinion-a-study-in-faith/
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