American Lung Association Walk to honor former journalism professor Beth Wood

By Candice Rohrman and Dennis Glade

Recent graduate Sam Olson will never forget his first public relations class — not because of his grade, the projects or even the people taking the class with him, but because of the professor.

“Beth Wood truly cared about her students,” Olson said. “Rarely ever have I had a professor that is so approachable and makes herself readily available to all her students whenever they need it.”

Wood spent seven years lecturing and teaching at IU before she lost her battle with lung cancer in Nov. 2009. However, she did much more than just teach public relations.

Michael Evans, the associate dean for Undergraduate Studies at the IU School of Journalism, said Wood essentially founded the PR program in her time with the University.

On Saturday, Wood will be honored through an American Lung Association Lung Walk in Carmel, Ind. The walk will raise money for the 35 million people currently suffering from chronic lung disease in the United States. The walk, which offers both a 5-kilometer and a 1-mile option, will serve as the second of three outings to help those with chronic lung disease. The two options are offered because some participants are currently dealing with lung disease and want to participate in the event without overwhelming themselves.

“Generally, most of our participants finish the entire 3.1 miles,” said American Lung Association Special Events Manager Liz Zuercher. “Occasionally some of the folks that are doing the 1-mile route do need assistance with wheelchair assistance or something with that fashion to cross the finish line.”

While the location for the walk is in Carmel, it is held at the Monon Center, which was chosen for the walk because of its ideal location, its good relationship with the Lung Association and free parking for the participants. The park also donates the property use, allowing the Lung Association to keep its costs down, Zuecher said.

Honoring Wood is important for many of her former students.

“She made it so much more than textbook learning,” recent IU graduate Alison Sperling said. “Her real-world knowledge of PR made the class and her teaching unique to the journalism school.”

Sperling enjoyed Wood’s classes so much that she frequently recommended them to her friends who also wanted to study public relations.

Even those who had no knowledge of Wood’s reputation among journalism students still left her class in awe of her dedication to helping her students.

“She was always eager to lend a hand to whoever needed it, never giving up on anyone until the problem was solved,” Olson said. “Losing her was and still is a terrible thing, and she is going to be greatly missed by many.”

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