Kansas Attorney General Six running for reelection

By Kevin Hardy

Kansas Attorney General Steve Six has announced his plan to run for reelection with a round of campaigning across the state today and Friday.

Six is the only democratic candidate who has filed for the office. Republicans Ralph DeZago, Junction City prosecutor and former assistant attorney general, and state Senate Majority Leader Derek Schmidt, of Independence, are also running.

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius appointed Six attorney general in 2008 after Democrat Paul Morrison resigned amidst a sex scandal.

In his announcement, Six said he has “turned the Attorney General’s office around” since taking the reigns.

“We cannot go back to the days when politics guided the Attorney General’s office. The Attorney General must set the standard for fairness, good judgment and — above all — independence,” he said in his statement.

Six identified child pornography, identity theft, consumer protection and cracking down on government fraud and waste as key issues he hopes to address in his next term.

Read more here: http://www.kansan.com/news/2010/jun/03/g-six-running-reelection/
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