Editorial: Halting handgun restrictions

By The Battalion Editorial Board

In response to the Supreme Court decision overturning bans on handguns, the city of Chicago has passed a new ordinance with updated restrictions. The Supreme Court interpreted the right to bear arms and defend themselves equally across the states, declaring gun control laws unconstitutional in cities plagued with gun violence like Chicago.

Chicago’s city government drafted a new ordinance to restrict handgun rights, which goes too far in preventing citizens from exercising their Second Amendment right that has been granted by the judicial system setting precedent. While mandating training programs sounds reasonable, and prohibiting handgun sales within the city limits is petty but arguably within a city’s right to control commerce, other aspects of the ordinance are too extreme and challenge the Supreme Court ruling.

Law-abiding gun owners should be allowed to own more than one assembled gun and hold their firearms outdoors on their property, restrictions Chicago has no right to enforce with this ordinance.

Gun owners who have met proper safety and legal requirements should be allowed to own firearms for protection, as ruled by the Supreme Court. The guarantees of American liberty laid down by the founders in the Bill of Rights should not be changed, and Chicago needs to honor that decision instead of subverting it.

Read more here: http://www.thebatt.com/opinion/halting-handgun-restrictions-1.1498061
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