Column: Beware of deceptive advertising

By Phil Davis

Several years ago when I was a freshman in engineering I took a course called “Straight Thinking” in which we studied mostly deceptive advertising. A similar course would be even more relevant today because we are now deluged with deceptive advertising. Such a course should be required for university students.

Retailers incessantly advertise items as X percent off. Off what? Off a grossly inflated “manufacturer’s suggested retail price.”

Several weeks back I sought out a men’s chain clothing store that often advertises executive suits for 70 percent off a TV. I found one of these stores in a city near St. Louis. Their suits were indeed 70 percent off but off a grossly inflated “regular” price of more than $800. Their unimpressive suits cost between $200 and $300 even with 70 percent off. I left very disgusted with myself for having been duped big time.

Sometimes car dealers and others like to advertise “only X dollars/month” without giving the total cost. You should figure out the bottom line cost to see if you might be paying much more than the vehicle or item is worth. Also, there is the infamous inflated sticker prices on new cars designed to make you think you are getting a good deal.

Just remember that stores, car dealers, etc., cannot stay in business by selling very much merchandise for less than their cost. Sales and advertisements can make you think you are getting a bargain when you really are not. Buy things based on the actual cost. It is sad for our society but deceptive advertising works. Too many people are easily duped. Don’t be one of them.

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