Latest state appropriations will keep Southern Illinois U. open until the end of October

By Ryan Voyles

The university received $19.4 million in state appropriations owed from fiscal year 2010, said Rod Sievers, Southern Illinois U. spokesman. He said it brings the amount owed to the university down to $36 million.

Sievers said with the state money and the expected money brought in from tuition, the university should be fine until mid-fall.

“We’re pretty well fixed until the end of October,” he said.

The state has until Dec. 31 to give SIU and the other public universities what is owed to them in the FY10. The state legislation passed a bill in May that would allow the universities to borrow up to 75 percent of the money owed by the state.

The bill, signed June 8, has a mandate that all borrowing must be done within 90 days of its signing.

SIU is still looking into whether to borrow any money, Sievers said.

“It’s still on the table … and we will take advantage of it if we need to,” he said. “But if the state keeps ponying up with what they owe us, then that won’t be necessary.”

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