Penn State receives top ranking for student sports fans

By Megan Rogers

Staying until the end of the game despite the pouring rain, waking up early on the weekends to paint bodies blue and white and camping on pavement to get front-row seats have finally paid off.

For the second year in a row, Penn State students have earned the university the No. 1 spot on the Princeton Review Students Pack the Stadiums rankings — and many say the ranking comes as no surprise.

It’s no secret that Penn State boasts the best student section in the country, Paternoville president Alex Cohen said. He said the No. 1 ranking only confirms what everyone already knows.

And the amount of energy and excitement surrounding Penn State athletics is only just taking off, he said.

“Every year it gets better and better,” Cohen (senior-marketing) said. “I hope the incoming freshman class realizes they have a title to uphold.”

It’s not just Penn State students who said the recognition is well deserved.

Some university alumni said the student section is the best in the nation.

When Sue Wilson, Class of 1971, attended the university, the student section had a reputation for being lackluster fans who had absolutely no impact on the games.

But now there’s Paternoville, whiteouts, banners and students dressing up in accordance to players’ last names. When former Penn State running back Austin Scott played for the Nittany Lions, Wilson said she made some students Scottish highlander costumes in honor of his surname.

Wilson also posed a question: Where else can you find students camping outside in the cold a week before the games?

Paternoville Vice President John Tecce said the ranking was “awesome” and “sweet.” But he, too, wasn’t completely shocked by the honor.

The student section is notorious across the nation for its dedication, he said.

“From week to week it’s tough to maintain the levels you have for bigger games, but overall we are definitely the best,” Tecce (junior-marketing) said. “We rise to the occasion when it’s needed.”

Tecce said it’s mostly football that wins Penn State this ranking. It’s tough to garner fans for other sports because not all have the strong traditions like football. But he said the woman’s volleyball team games always boast a strong student presence.

The Penn State Athletic Department was not available for comment.

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