Texas A&M president to meet with students

By Sarah Ammerman

University President R. Bowen Loftin will be speaking to students at 7 p.m. today in Koldus 144 to answer students’ questions about the budget cuts at Texas A&M.

The meeting, named “The Committee of the Whole,” intends to answer any questions about reductions, the process, and impact on student services and the University.

“This is a good opportunity for students who feel like they may be out of the loop to come in and ask questions directly to the source,” said Speaker Pro-Tempore Scott Bowen, junior chemical engineering major.

The Senate wants to keep lines of communication open as much as possible between the students and administration, and this meeting is a step in that direction, Bowen said.

“This meeting helps us to organize as a representative legislative body to advocate for student opinion as quickly and effectively as possible once the school year starts. It is important because it lets us hit the ground running while our input in the process is most effective,” said Christopher Russo, student services chair and junior aerospace engineering major.

A live video stream of the meeting will be available at http://senate.tamu.edu. A video recording of the meeting will be available online after the meeting ends.  More information on the budget reductions can also be found at http://senate.tamu.edu.

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