U. Oklahoma sports network in the works

By Kyle Salomon

With the Big 12 taking a new shape in 2011, Oklahoma will look to launch its own TV network, an Athletic Department spokesman said.

It is uncertain when OU will be able to implement a network, but it is likely to happen sooner rather than later, Associate Athletic Director Kenneth Mossman said.

“Our approach at this time is exploratory, so budgets and timelines are yet to be determined,” he said.

OU has a running program called SoonerVision, but the show does not act as a network for OU sports.

Established in 1997, SoonerVision is an in-house studio that produces more than 75 programs each year, according to SoonerSports.com.

If OU was to get a television network, Mossman said it would most likely be tied into SoonerVision for resource purposes.

“In all likelihood, a television network would be meshed with SoonerVision,” he said. “Some combination of those resources plus those that we would have to add would make the most sense.”

The network would cover all Sooner athletics, Mossman said.

The possibility of an OU television network excites some students, but it is not a widely talked about subject around the campus.

Jeffrey Harrison, marketing senior, said he hasn’t heard about a TV network, but thinks it would be a good revenue tool.

“It would be kind of like a go-to network for all OU fans to be able to watch OU sports any time they want,” Harrison said.

A network would allow OU fans from across the country to watch Sooner sports, said Dale Davison, football season ticket holder.

“To be able to watch all OU sports would be a big hit among OU alums.”

Read more here: http://oudaily.com/news/2010/aug/25/ou-sports-network-works/
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