Current status: Brewster still employed at Minnesota

By John Hageman

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Despite reports that his job was on the line against Purdue Saturday, Minnesota head coach Tim Brewster remained confident that he still had the confidence of the administration and his players after the 28-17 loss.

Brewster said that the loss was tough to swallow, but hopes the Minnesota fans remain patient.

“It’s bitterly disappointing to all of us…Life deals you tough hands at times, and you better be tough and you better stand up in the face of adversity and keep marching, keep working and that’s exactly what we’re going to do as a football team.”

He added: “Hopefully our fans will recognize that, but I have great empathy for our fans because they’re not nearly disappointed as I am.”

When asked if he has talked to anyone about his job status beyond Saturday’s game, Brewster said, “Absolutely not.”

Wide receiver Da’Jon McKnight said the rumors about Brewster losing his job didn’t weigh on the players.

“I’m not worried about it because Coach Brewster’s a good coach, and I know he’s going to coach us hard,” he said. “If he’s gone or not then I’ll still love him. We’re just trying to play hard for each other.”

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