Study smarter to save

By Melanie Deziel

Finals are a very stressful time for most students. Not only are there more exams than we want to think about clustered together, but it is also the end of the semester, which means packing, tying up loose ends and saying some difficult good byes.

With all of this going on, it’s no wonder that many students end up spending more money than they planned. Additional study supplies, brain food, caffeine and more all start to add up as you slowly check each exam off your list of to-dos.

Here are a few tips for cutting back the spending and stepping up the savings this finals week.

A main expense during finals time is food. Whether it is to save time or for mere convenience, many students end up ordering take-out or eating out. While it may be more convenient and certainly less time consuming, it definitely costs more than some alternatives.

Make a conscious effort to hit up the dining hall when you’re feeling hungry instead of eating out. It makes for a good break between chapters or subjects, and you can take a snack when you leave to put off the hunger pangs later, too. If you are convinced you don’t have the time, hit up the Grab and Go and eat while you study.

Don’t have a meal plan? Don’t worry. Just ask around. Many students with meal plans don’t take advantage of their flex passes and would be more than willing to flex you in. The flex passes just disappear when the semester ends anyways, and that means more free meals for you!

When considering finals expenses, snacks ring up just behind meals. It’s all to convenient to grab a muffin, granola bar or a bag of chips when Bookworms is just a few steps away. But these small snacks often cost more for their convenience.

Instead, try stocking up on snacks before the studying begins. A box of granola bars will run you somewhere between $3 and $5, making the bars inside less than $1 each, less than the cafes will charge. Same goes for a bag of apples, a sleeve of bagels and a full-sized bag of chips separated into snack portions. While it may seem like a small difference in price, bringing your snacks will also save you time from waiting in lines.

After meals and snacks, there are drinks to consider. You could take the same approach as above. It will cost you less to buy a 12 – or a six-pack of soda and bring a can or bottle with you than it will cost to buy one each time you’re out.

Caffeine packs a big budget-punch too. Energy drinks can be purchased in multi-packs at the stores too, and buying in bulk cans save you money.  Making a pot of coffee and bringing it with you will save you the cost of buying several while you’re out.  If you don’t have a travel mug, consider that it will only cost you about three lattes to get a decent one and it will last a lot longer than those lattes would!

There are plenty of other small ways to save this week too. Consider cutting note cards in half to double your supply or use excess notebook paper instead. Print your longer documents at the library to save on the costs of ink and paper, or email your papers if you have the option.

If you follow these suggestions and come up with smarter study solutions of your own, you just might survive finals week with a little money in your pocket for some end of the semester splurging!

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