iPhone goes to Verizon

By Storm Byrd

Gadget geeks and Apple animaniacs rejoice, the Apple iPhone 4 is coming to Verizon. After several years of speculation and rumors spilling out faster than WikiLeaks, Verizon and Apple went public with their pact. While holding a news conference in Manhattan, N.Y., Verizon Wireless announced that it would be making the iPhone 4 available in just over a month. Interestingly enough, they had to create a special version of the phone so that it could run on the unique Verizon network. Apparently, the iPhone on Verizon will not be able to run applications or Internet and make calls simultaneously. In other words, you can’t look like a total tool with the iPhone on the Verizon network. Otherwise, the phone will be capable of all the other wonders of the AT&T version, including tethering (which apparently allows you to use your phone’s internet access on your laptop computer. Translation: awesome).

This landmark agreement will likely lead to iPhone’s monopoly over the smart phone population. Everyone knows the only thing keeping Apple from complete domination in the phone business was the shoddy network of AT&T. Inversely, the same was true for AT&T. Despite their “more bars” commercials, the AT&T network has been notorious for poor signals, and one might argue that the company has been kept afloat by their exclusive contract with Apple. AT&T thrives on customers who are slaves to a technological trend, and those willing to swap carriers just to have it. In 2008, 40 percent of their iPhone activations were customers switching service providers.  Now, it’s unclear as to whether Verizon will assume the uncontested dominance of service providers, while Apple runs the phone game.

In response to the Verizon announcement, AT&T has already shot back in true teenage slap fight fashion by saying for ” … iPhone users who want the fastest speeds, the ability to talk and use apps at the same time and unsurpassed global coverage, the only choice is AT&T.” A Verizon spokesman quickly quipped, “AT&T is known for a lot of things, but network quality is not one of them.” Thus begins the newest “Oh no he/she/they didn’t” catfight. Celebrity gossip fiends have drooled all over catfights in the past like Paris Hilton versus (insert random female celebrity name here) or Snooki versus … well, to be honest, I don’t watch that horrible show so I wouldn’t know who she is fighting now, but I am sure there is someone. Nonetheless, the geeks finally get their feud.

This cellular deal has all the drama of a daytime soap opera, as AT&T and Verizon lock themselves in a love triangle with the iPhone. One thing is certain, it does not look good for the future of AT&T. Verizon may have initial problems with the iPhone, which seemingly every “first generation” technology does, but that is certain to subside as the money flows in like an oil leak in the gulf (too soon for that reference?). AT&T can only hope to hang around for awhile as Verizon works out the kinks, because once they do Verizon will be off and running like Auburn’s Michael Dyer in the national title.

Read more here: http://wildcat.arizona.edu/perspectives/iphone-goes-to-verizon-1.1843125
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