Mike McQueary talks to CBS

By Steven Petrella

Mike McQueary talks to CBS

Before last Saturday, very few outside of Penn State’s football program knew who Mike McQueary was.

Now, he’s a focal point of a national scandal, caught in the media wildfire.

He’s been placed on paid administrative leave by Penn State and has seen his superior, Joe Paterno, lose his job in light of the scandal involving Jerry Sandusky being charged with child abuse.

McQueary was the former graduate assistant who allegedly witnessed Sandusky sexually abusing a child in the shower in the Lasch Football Building locker room in 2002.

Tuesday, McQueary broke his silence — however brief — with CBS’s Armen Keteyian. –

“This process has to play out. I just don’t have anything else to say,” McQueary said in the interview.

He said his emotions are “all over the place. Just kinda shaken.” He also described his emotions as being “like a snow globe.”

Keteyian said McQueary told him off-camera that he was afraid for his safety, personal life and future in coaching.

Tuesday morning, The Allentown Morning Call acquired an email sent to a friend from McQueary, in which the former wide receivers coach said he did the right thing and reported what he saw Sandusky doing in the locker room to police.

“I am getting hammered for handling this the right way … or what I thought at the time was right,”McQueary wrote. “I had to make tough impacting quick decisions.”

The email also said, “I did stop it, not physically, but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room.”

Tuesday at his weekly press conference, Penn State head coach Tom Bradley said McQueary is not in protective custody, as reported several days ago.

Bradley said he did reach out to McQueary after the game Saturday to make sure he was okay.

Bradley wouldn’t comment on whether or not McQueary’s coaching days with the program will be officially over after this season, or even sooner.

“I can’t answer that question due to what’s going on with the university, any on-going investigation and things,” Bradley said. “I know the players understand that Mike the situation as best I could describe it to the team. They understand I’ve asked them for their patience as we try to work this out and make somechanges.”

Read more here: http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/2011/11/16/McQueary_talks_to_CBS_.aspx
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