Dinkytown late-night security plan moves forward

Originally Posted on mndaily.com - all articles via UWIRE

By: Marion Renault

Plans to improve late-night security moved forward Thursday at a Dinkytown Business Association meeting.

Skott Johnson, DBA President, presented a plan that he and other business owners have been working on over the last few months.

The details include hiring four additional police offers to patrol during 14 nights that have been pinpointed as high-traffic and high-incident occasions. Among them are Spring Jam weekend and Gophers sporting events against the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Individual businesses would finance the police presence for an approximately $50 monthly fee.

If the DBA fails to submit its proposal along with payment details, the city’s business licensing department would take over the process of improving late-night security in the area.

Johnson said it’s a necessary improvement for Dinkytown’s continued growth.

“To be a destination area, we have to be a safe area,” he said.

Increased patrols, according to some DBA members, would deter criminals and reassure visitors.

For it to be successful all businesses need to chip in, not just the ones that are open late, said Mike Mulrooney, owner of Blarney’s Bar and Grill.

 Avoiding broken windows and vandalism as well as keeping day-time employees safe on their way home is something all business owners should pitch in for, he said.

“If we can share it within the community,” Mulrooney said, “everybody’s going to reap the benefits.”


Look for more details about Dinkytown’s new security plan in next Wednesday’s issue of the Minnesota Daily.

Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/2013/02/14/dinkytown-late-night-security-plan-moves-forward
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