Melody Rose will be first women to lead OUS as interim chancellor

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Melody Rose, currently one of two vice chancellors to the Oregon University System, will become the first woman to lead the Oregon University System. After the resignation of former chancellor George Pernsteiner late last month, Rose will serve as the interim director starting March 2.

Rose will be leading the OUS during a time of transition, according to OUS spokesperson Diane Saunders. The system is working toward a new governance structure which could include independent governing boards for the University of Oregon and Portland State University, as well as a smaller role for the chancellor’s office.

Because of the possible restructuring of the system and the uncertain future for the chancellor’s office, a permanent decision for OUS chancellor can’t be made at the time, Saunders said.

However, Saunders said that the OUS system is excited to work with Rose, who has an understanding of the OUS after working in Oregon education for much of her career.

“We ‘re really excited about Dr. Rose’s leadership,” she said. “She really understands the needs of the system and the students.”

Rose has a Ph.D in science from Cornell, and works as a tenured political science professor at Portland State University. She founded and was the first director of New Leadership Oregon and the Center for Women, Politics and Policy at PSU, and has served as the president for the Portland City Club.

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