ASUO President Laura Hinman reinstated

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Laura Hinman is ASUO president once again.

The ASUO Constitution Court ruled Friday night that Hinman had provided enough evidence such that she is no longer in nonfulfillment.

Back on Jan. 22, the court ruled that because she had missed the Nov. 1 deadline to appoint an Elections Board, she was in nonfulfillment of her presidential duties. On Feb. 10, the ASUO Senate held a Special Senate Meeting where ASUO Vice President Nick McCain and the Senate confirmed four members to the Elections Board.

“Petitioner has provided persuasive direct evidence that acting ASUO President McCain has remedied her nonfulfillment of duties by validly appointing four students to the Elections Board,” the court’s opinion read.

In summary, the court ruled that Hinman’s petition for reinstatement was valid, and she should “be reinstated as ASUO President effective immediately.”

The ruling has Hinman excited for the future, and being able to continue her goals.

“I’m overwhelmed from the support I’ve received from the student body these past few weeks. Being reinstated is like being elected all over again, and I have an incredible burst of energy and excitement to complete all the goals Nick and I set for ourselves back in May,” she said.

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