Reactions to ASUO President Laura Hinman’s reinstatement

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

After ASUO President Laura Hinman was reinstated late Friday night, reactions from an ASUO senator and Executive member signaled relief.

“I’m excited, stoked and relieved,” ASUO Vice President Nick McCain said. “I don’t have to do this whole ‘Vice President thing’ and still have to take care of her stuff. It’s a burden off my back, but it’s back to work on Monday.”

He and Hinman called each other on Friday night, celebrated for a few minutes and then both went back to doing homework.

“As for what’s next, we haven’t really sat down and talked about that,” he said.

ASUO Senator Megan Jones was pleased with the reinstatement and relieved that Hinman’s work wouldn’t be wasted.

“I am happy that everything is finally figured out, and she can go back to doing her job,” Jones said. “She is such a hard worker and is doing great work as president. I would have hated to see all of her dedication and tireless hours go to waste on such a small issue.”

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