Potential provost qualities discussed

Originally Posted on thedailycougar.com via UWIRE

Provost Search Committee co-chairs asked Faculty Senate members Wednesday for their input regarding provost candidates.

“We want to make sure that we find and attract a provost that can continue and even build on the momentum that we’ve established as a Tier One university,” said professor John Lee, a Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen distinguished university chair for petroleum engineering.

Interim Provost Paula Short dedicated her time on the podium during Faculty Senate meeting to recognize the increase in graduate program enrollment at UH in the last five years.  |  Esteban Portillo/The Daily Cougar

Interim Provost Paula Short dedicated her time on the podium during Faculty Senate meeting to recognize the increase in graduate program enrollment at UH in the last five years. | Esteban Portillo/The Daily Cougar

“It’s very important that we find a provost who has the vision to not only see where we’re headed now, but also can identify additional ways in which the University of Houston can achieve what it really is capable of achieving.”

Lee, along with his co-chair, Vice Chancellor and Vice President for Student Affairs Richard Walker, requested to approach the Faculty Senate during its meeting.

Faculty Senate President Steven Wallace presided at the meeting held in the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Pavilion in M.D. Anderson Memorial Library for the first time since taking the gavel Jan. 23.

The senior vice president for Academic Affairs and provost position acts as chief academic officer, and whoever fills it will be responsible for student access and success as well as all academic programs and policies.

Since former Provost John Antel stepped down from his official role as provost in early January, UH has gradually made steps to appointing a replacement. Paula Short was named interim senior vice chancellor and provost until the search committee finishes their work.

Faculty took turns voicing their opinions on what an ideal candidate would possess during the meeting.
Among the suggestions and requests made by faculty senate leaders were scholarly vision combined with the ability to get things done.

Shared governance, recent teaching experience, a dedication to excellence and communication and problem-solving skills were also listed as important qualities for potential provost candidates.
Co-chairs Lee and Walker will compose a list of qualifications that will be provided after the solicitation phase. They intend to review all candidates in March.

President and Chancellor Renu Khator also urged everyone to attend the open forums that will take place during the search process for the next provost.

Please come to the open forums and participate, Khator said during the Faculty Senate meeting.
“Two people assessing the logistics of the search is one thing, but 200 people giving their feedback would be quite another,” Khator said.

An estimated three to four finalists will be invited to attend campus interviews between April 28 and May 9.
The committee intends to complete the search process before the end of the semester.


Read more here: http://thedailycougar.com/2013/02/21/potential-provost-qualities-discussed/
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