Club tennis combines competition and fun

Senior Aashish Daulat, captain of the men’s club tennis team, was not particularly fond of an environment that has been “too structured” in year’s past.

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He and senior Asha Tipirneni, captain of the women’s club tennis team, have strived toward creating a fun, laid-back atmosphere.

“The whole point of club tennis is just to give people a chance to play,” Tipirneni said. “If you want to play recreationally just to keep playing, or if you want to play for competing in tournaments at other schools, you can do either.”

“It’s a great way to exercise,” Daulat said, “and it’s fun to be around people who love to play.”

Despite wearing the same uniforms and playing together as one unified team in tournaments, the men’s and women’s teams have generally practiced at separate times in the past. Daulat and Tipirneni decided to change that aspect of club tennis, and the two teams have integrated. Now, and going forward, the men and women practice at the same time.

“Everyone’s been getting along well,” Daulat said of the mixed-gender practices.

Walk toward Leighton Tennis Stadium Monday through Thursday afternoons, and you likely will hear music blaring as a couple dozen people practice for the club teams.

“It’s a fun atmosphere,” Daulat said.

Make no mistake though. Having fun does not eliminate the teams’ competitiveness.

The teams will travel together to Alabama for a weekend tournament at Auburn University beginning Friday, Feb. 22.

The teams decided to cut out an extra tournament this season, saving money and allowing more people to go to the tournament in Auburn.

Two years ago, both teams combined brought only six people to this tournament, but this year, 18 students will be able to go.

If they can place in the top-eight of 52 teams, the team will qualify for nationals.

“That’s the goal,” Daulat said.

Tryouts for both teams are held in the fall. The teams play for as long as the weather will allow them to in both the fall and spring, with the spring season being the more competitive one.

Of the 30 girls on the team, 24 are freshmen or sophomores, but the lack of upperclassmen is no concern for Tipirneni.

“I think we’ll have a good team this year,” she said.

Tipirneni turned down opportunities to play collegiate tennis at other schools in order to receive a Wake Forest education.  The club team allowed her to pursue her academic goals without sacrificing the sport she loved to play.

“I still wanted to play,” Tipirneni said. “Tennis has been a huge part of my life, and I think that’s how it’s been for a lot of girls.”

Many participants like to come out just to find others to play with on the side, according to Daulat.

“It’s more about exercise and for fun rather than sheer competition,” Daulat said. “There are occasions where we try to play some matches to get ready for a tournament, but overall everyone’s just coming out to have a good time and hang out with their friends.

“If you love tennis, but you’re not looking to play really seriously, I’d say definitely come out.”

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