Women’s rowing takes on Bates College in scrimmage

Friday, Texas Women’s Rowing matched up against Bate Collage for their third annual scrimmage. “What’s good to see on our team is that not only do we have good depth—but moreover, we have consistency—in terms of each piece and each stroke.” There is very strong confidence from Coach, Carrie Graves and her team. As she explains, the team has found stability both on and off the water, further feeding into their future success leading into the regular season. Which begins at the Heart of Texas, March 3rd.

Coach Graves also noted that the Women’s Novice team is one of the fastest Texas has had in 15 years of the program. Fit, strong and rowing efficiently for first-years. Through their success in not only in this weekends scrimmage, but through winter training, many of the Novices will find alliance with the Varsity team as the season further progresses. Overall, the weekend’s match set a great indicator for Texas’s success this season both on Varsity and Novice. Women’s Rowing moves into the regular season beginning this weekend at the Heart of Texas hosted by Austin Rowing Club. 

Read more here: http://dailytexanonline.com/sports/2013/02/24/womens-rowing-takes-on-bates-college-in-scrimmage
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