Campus Crime Logs: Still Better than Twilight

The following reports were taken from the Boston University Police Department crime logs from Feb. 18 to Feb. 24.


A female BU student was arrested for allegations of domestic violence Wednesday night at 3:36 a.m. at 277 Babcock St. The female, an international student, was placed under arrest for assaulting her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, also a BU student, allegedly sustained bumps, bruises and a bite mark but refused to be hospitalized.


Hate mail

Thursday at 11:47 a.m., a female student reported an offensive note at 90 Bay State Road. A male tenant wrote the note after the female student previously confronted him about noise. BUPD officials handed the issue over to the rental property owner.


Blazin’ and blazes

Students smoking marijuana set off a fire alarm at 3 Buswell St. Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. Boston Fire Department firefighters evacuated the building and no damage was done. No culprit is held responsible because there were no witnesses.


Don’t touch me, I’m sterile

BUPD officers assisted Brighton Police Department officers in issuing a restraining order to a student living at 277 Babcock St. Thursday at 6:30 p.m. The other party who filed a domestic no-contact orders is a non-affiliate.


Like that scene in Home Alone

Two non-affiliated high school students flooded a bathroom at 928 Comm. Ave. Friday at 2 p.m. They turned on water faucets to full blast in a School of Hospitality Administration men’s room, resulting in large amounts of flooding in the bathroom and to the carpeting outside. Although they were videotaped earlier selling candy on campus, the suspects have not been caught.


Condom Fairy’s evil twin

A student reported a harassing note left on her door at 277 Babcock St. on Saturday at 6:17 p.m. The note had crude words and a condom attached to it. BUPD officers are investigating the case.



Four students were found damaging a bench they claimed had already been broken Sunday at 3 a.m. An officer caught them throwing slabs of wood across Nickerson Field. In addition to being charged with malicious damage to property, three of the students were caught with falsified licenses. They will be summonsed to Brighton District Court for their hearings.

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