Letter: Athletic band represented themselves well in difficult time

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

To the students and members of the Oregon Athletic Bands,

I would like to say how much I appreciate how well all the students of the Oregon Athletic Bands handled the difficult situation placed on their organization in the past few weeks. There was clearly an unfair lack of communication on behalf of student government that put you all in a precarious situation, yet you represented the best of this student body by supporting your organization with dignity and respect.

I gave you all a promise four weeks ago that I would not let this student government drop funding for the band without securing alternate funds from the Athletic Department, the School of Music and Enrollment Services. I still believe, along with many members of the Department Finance Committee and Senate, that large portions of the OAB budget fundamentally should be institutionalized in those three departments.

After going to meetings with all three departments with your dedicated OAB Student President Melinda McConnel, we were unable to receive, in writing, confirmation that the OAB’s incidental fee shortfall would be departmentally covered. Therefore I am recommending that the Department Finance Committee review the OAB budget and grant their full request.

It is my hope that by moving forward, the ASUO and OAB can work together to receive a larger portion of their funds from departmental budgets similar to Campus Recycling, the Career Center and the 24-5 Knight Library. I also appreciate each department’s willingness to meet with us and their openness to work on this in the coming years.

I am proud of the work all of you do as Oregon Athletic Band members, and I thank you for your patience over the last few weeks.

— ASUO President Laura Hinman, OAB Student Vice President Loren Clupny

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/2013/02/27/letter-athletic-band-represented-themselves-well-in-difficult-time/
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