Q&A with UH student Weston Lewis

Originally Posted on thedailycougar.com via UWIRE



Weston Lewis is a maestro. The music education senior has been a member of the Spirit of Houston Marching Band and Wind Ensemble and the University Men’s Chorus for four years and a Moores School ambassador for two years. Lewis is also the president of the University of Houston chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and the director of Bob’s Your Uncle, a men’s vocal ensemble. The Daily Cougar had an opportunity to talk to Lewis about “En Masse,” a large-scale participatory performance that gives a glimpse inside a “deconstructed parade,” that will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. at Discovery Green on April 20.

The Daily Cougar: How long have you and the rest of the UH Marching Band been preparing for “En Masse”?
Weston Lewis: We’ve been preparing the music for “En Masse” since the beginning of this spring semester. The concepts we’ll be displaying, however, have been talked about and tossed around since fall. In the grand scheme, the music we’ll be performing is a reflection of the months of thought we’ve put into this.
TDC: What has it been like working with artist-in-residence Daniel Bernard Roumain? Is there anything in particular that you’ve taken away or learned from him?
WL: It’s been amazing. His music and his personality are extremely thought-provoking. What I’ve gathered and taken away from him is the idea that cooperation and collaborations with our fellow humans is essential to a balanced society. As music educators, we have an obligation to share this idea through music with those that we teach. Also, I’ve learned the fact that your teaching and learning never truly ends, regardless of profession.
TDC: Marc Bamuthi Joseph is directing “En Masse.” How would you describe his vision for the show?
WL: “En Masse” was described recently as about being big. As much as I agree in the fact that everything about this will be big, in that, I think the audience will be able to see the many small things that make up the bigger picture. This show will showcase the many gears that make up the large machine.
TDC: How will “En Masse” be different from other performances done by the UH Marching Band?
WL: In the fall, the Spirit of Houston generally performs at football games. We do occasional small gigs and our annual Spirit on Stage, but the audience rarely gets to see the individual musicians. “En Masse” will be the first time many have seen the band behind the uniforms. It’s interactive and personal, giving the listener the chance to feel the music at their pace.
TDC: The Mid Main Block Party is coming up, what can people attending expect from the UH Marching Band?
WL: I believe people can expect what they always get from their Spirit of Houston: energy, spirit and pride.

Read more here: http://thedailycougar.com/2013/02/28/qa-with-uh-student-weston-lewis/
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