Filmmaker Challenges Univ Students to Join Immigration Reform Campaign

Filmmaker Challenges Univ Students to Join Immigration Reform Campaign


Contact: Lisa Cohen | Emerson Collective
(310) 395-2544 |
The Dream Is Now Campaign to Announce Contest Challenging College Students to Sign Petition in Support of Immigration Reform

Schools Where Students Gather the Most Signatures for Online Petition Will Be Selected As Sites for Premiere of New Documentary Directed by Award-Winning Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim; Students From University With Most Petitions Signed Will Travel to Premiere of Film in Washington, DC


Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim of Waiting for Superman and An Inconvenient Truth

Eduardo J. Padrón, Ph.D., President, Miami Dade College

Ruben Elias Canedo Sanchez, The Dream Is Now College Outreach Director

Terrence Park, University of California Berkeley Math Club President and DREAMer


The Dream is Now ( is a partnership formed by filmmaker Davis Guggenheim and Emerson Collective to provide supporters of immigration reform with a platform to voice their support for an earned path to citizenship for undocumented youth. The campaign web site allows individuals from around the country—documented and undocumented alike—to tell their own stories in writing or through video and to sign a petition affirming their support for the principles of the Dream Act. During Spring 2013, the campaign will release a 30-minute documentary directed by Guggenheim featuring many of the stories submitted to the campaign in an effort to show Congress that an earned path to citizenship is the right thing to do for these students and for our country’s economic future.

On a conference call with student newspapers, the campaign will announce a challenge to college students: Universities that get the most students to sign an online petition in support of the Dream Act principles will be selected as for campus movie premieres. Students from the University with the most signatures will earn a trip to the premiere of the film in Washington, DC.

The DREAM Act, which is being considered as part of immigration reform efforts, would provide a pathway for undocumented youth who came to the U.S. at a young age and have been attending school, to earn their citizenship by attending college or serving in the military.


Conference Call – Please RSVP at and you will be provided with the number and passcode.


March 5, 2013 at 1pm/ET, 10am/PT

For more information on the campaign visit:


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