UC Berkeley students depart for rally in Sacramento

Around twelve UC Berkeley students departed for Sacramento Monday morning to take part in the 2013 March for Higher Education, a lobbying effort aimed at increasing state funding for higher education.

Organized jointly by the UC Student Association, the California State Student Association and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, the event is expected to draw thousands of students from across the state.

“I’m here today to make sure the state doesn’t disinvest from public education,” said ASUC Senator and SQUELCH presidential candidate Jason Bellet. “Prop. 30 didn’t solve the problem – in many ways bandaid for much larger wound.”

At a similar event last year, thousands of students convened at the state capitol and around 100 demonstrators participated in a subsequent occupation of the capitol building.

“Working together, the three higher education systems have fought tirelessly in recent years to protect our higher education systems from devastating cuts,” said Student Senate for California Community Colleges President Rich Copenhagen in a statement. “This year we’re seeing the results of that work, but we aren’t done yet.  Student  believe that we must continue to advocate for the preservation of Cal Grants, and reject attempts to reduce funding for students with the most need”

The UC Student Association will also be conducting lobbying efforts, expecting to conduct over 100 lobby visits with state legislators, according to a statement.

Lead academics and administration reporter Shirin Ghaffary contributed to this report.

Curan Mehra is the executive news editor. Contact him at cmehra@dailycal.org.

The post UC Berkeley students depart for rally in Sacramento appeared first on The Daily Californian.

Read more here: http://www.dailycal.org/2013/03/04/uc-berkeley-students-depart-for-rally-in-sacramento/
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