Red Key Society: tour guides to promote UHart

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

Do you want to be a role model?  Do you want to be a contributing factor to why prospective students decide to come here?  Do you want to change something about the University of Hartford and want your voice heard?  Do you just need a little extra cash?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should take the opportunity to apply for a Red Key position.

Red Keys are the student tour guides for the University of Hartford.

Red Keys give a tour once a week whether it is weekends or weekdays and the time is up to you. As a  Red Key students must also attend certain admission events.

Benefits of joining this team of enthusiastic University of Hartford students include, but are not limited to, per-semester stipends, free apparel and early registration for classes, allowing students to represent the University, as well as register for their most important classes ahead of the regular registration.

Students of any standing, except for seniors, may apply.  The online application, consisting of just a few simple questions, should be brought to the Admission Office Bates House as soon as possible.

Questions include why student’s want to become a Red Key, what jobs or activities the student is currently involved in,  the student’s favorite aspect of the University and how the student heard about the Red Key Society.

If a student is involved in a club or sport on campus, becoming a Red Key is a great way to advertise it.  Students can promote all the organizations to the incoming or prospective freshmen, and let them know what the best part about the University is.

The concept to keep in mind is that by increased enrollment this can lead to lower tuition.

Students can become a Red Key today and become part of a society dedicated to expanding the University of Hartford community.

With the help of future Red Keys, this team can encourage even more high school students to attend the University in the future.

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