Bay to Breakers gives us motivation to get active

As the Clog is well aware, staying in shape isn’t always on top of the priorities list as a student. It’s actually really close to the bottom.

Between balancing a full load of classes, other extra-curricular commitments and trying to having at least some kind of social life, how are you supposed to find time to make it to the gym? Given the choice between meeting up with some friends over a delicious ice-cream sandwich and going for a run, we know what we’d choose any day of the week.Plus, even just the thought of hitting up the RSF can be quite intimidating to us couch potatoes who can’t squat the weight of Jabba the Hutt or pull off five miles on the tread mill while have a casual conversation with the runner next to us.

However, even though we may resent the thought of it, staying active physically comes with too many perks for us to ignore. Like maintaining a healthy weight, boosting your energy levels so you can make it across campus in 10 minutes and putting a little extra spark in the sack.

So, how to get started? Sometimes what’s required is a lil’ extra motivation. How about giving yourself a set goal in signing up for an event like Bay to Breakers, an annual San Francisco run on May 19? Ok, we know what you’re thinking: “Whoa, easy there, I’m not running an actual race anytime soon thank you very much.” Relax, you don’t have to be Bear Athlete Sophia Oberg to participate in Bay to Breakers, this event has serious runners, weekend joggers, relaxed walkers and costumed participants (how awesome would it be to run next to Superman or the Blues Brothers?). Plus, with thousands of spectators cheering you on, Bay to Breakers is bound to be a pretty great way to ring in summer break.

Image Source: nialkennedy under Creative Commons

The post Bay to Breakers gives us motivation to get active appeared first on The Daily Californian.

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