Head coach Charlton Young dismissed

Coach Charlton Young

Georgia Southern University’s Athletic Director Tom Kleinlein announced today that the head coach of the men’s basketball team Charlton Young has been dismissed.

“At 6 p.m. yesterday afternoon I decided, I had a meeting with Charlton Young, our head basketball coach and decided that we needed to go into a different direction with our basketball program” Kleinlein said.

Young and the Eagles’ basketball team just finished their season with a loss in the second round of the Southern Conference tournament with an overall record of 14-19 and a league record of 7-11.

“Charlton and I met for approximately 20-30 minutes to discuss the future of our program at which time I informed him that I felt that we needed to go in a different direction,” Kleinlein said.

The GSU alum became the 12th head coach of the Eagles’ basketball team in the 2009-2010 season and the third alum to guide the program.

“Charlton Young represents Georgia Southern with the utmost character, he has done a tremendous job of taking a program that had trouble when he arrived and getting it to a level of respectability,” Kleinlein said. ”He does a great job in our community he does a great job with our players and he does a great job with our organization at the same time I felt that where we needed to go was beyond where we are now. A change in leadership is what I decided to do.”

“At this time I will announce the fact that we are starting a national search for our basketball program. At this time that search committee will be made up of myself, a faculty member and a university administration member. ” Kleinlein said.  “We have not entered into any kind of agreement with a search firm at this time, I will make that decision in upcoming days.”

Read more here: http://thegeorgeanne.com/?p=6663
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