International students flourish this semester

by Arpit Ghosh

South African exchange student, Heinz Rautenbach with ISSO director Mariane Beane

South African exchange student, Heinz Rautenbach with ISSO director Mariane Beane. Photo by Heinz Rautenbach


International Students enjoying their Spring Break in Miami this past week. Photo by Erhan Turkuer.

When Ziad came from Saudi Arabia this December and first set his foot on US soil he was taken aback by the grand splendour of this country. Everything was different and so well-organized. The same astonishment surfaced when he came to UNC Charlotte to begin his undergraduate studies in English. He was in a different country, thousands of miles away from the comfort of his homeland and in a totally different culture.
“Everything here is so well-organized and big. People are so helpful and it feels like a dream where everything is beautiful and lovely,” said Ziad. “And watching the snowfall made it look so panoramic.”
This spring UNC Charlotte opened its doors for 1092 international students hailing from 91 different countries including myself. I am certain that everyone will espouse the sentiments which Ziad has expressed. For some it is just another phase of life and for others it is fairy tale.
Marian Beane, the director of International Student/Scholar office said, “Working and knowing these international students, makes it worthwhile, meaningful and enjoyable.” She further added, “These students add to the wonderful richness and diversity of university experience and we are happy to have them here.”

The international floor at Witherspoon hall has been a favourite hangout place for most of the international students and the diversity and the mutual respect for each other’s beliefs and culture makes it a spectacular experience.
The regular visits to restaurants like Flying Saucer, Passage to India and doing things together starting from shopping, partying and sometimes cooking together as well, has brought these students closer to each other like a colossal family where each member speaks different language and comes from different background, but they all share a mutual feeling of love and friendship for each other.

Heinz Rautenbach, a South African studying Political Science said, “I love the ambience over here, it is much bigger and organized, and meeting all the new people and international students makes you feel like a true diplomat.” Rautenbach has since become very involed in international student life. “The campus facilities and the lifestyle over here are great,” he said.
Tomas Ayon, an exchange student from Nicaragua feels that the lifestyle over here is totally different then he is used to. He has to do his own daily chores and UNCC has so much to offer to the International students.

“It’s different but it is really a didactical experience and makes you realize how small you are when you see people from different from countries; we are a part of a gigantic and extensively diverse human race,” said Ayon.
The nightlife of Charlotte has been another invigorating experience amongst the international students. Regular visits to the local and uptown clubs and bars like Suite, Phoenix, Bad Dogs and Prohibition on the weekend are a regular habit amongst the students.
The eclectic Charlotte nightlife gives the international students a chance to meet new people, understand the American lifestyle and share their experiences with each other and with the new friends that they make.

It also helps to take out the tiredness of a week filled with studies alongside their favourite drinks and the latest chartbuster music.
“It has been a really enlightening experience for me. I never used to party back in my country or talk to so many strangers. Our lifestyle has been a really conservative one, but here when I went to Suite for the first time by the end of the night, I had met people from Nebraska, California, Dubai and so many individuals. I am still in contact with some of the people I met and we have been really great friends,” said Shiori, a Japanese exchange student studying Material Science.
For some it maybe a culture shock or a beginning of an exhilarating phase of life where you meet new people and make friends for life coming from places all around the globe.

The journey of an international student beginning from the first day to the last day of university is  like a Chopin’s composition, filled with exemplary emotions, colours and sentiments that intertwine with each other brilliantly.

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