How to: smell like Alex Morgan

There are a number of perks to being a student at Berkeley. One of them is the fact that we go to a school with so many people who are (or end up being) famous! In a recent Degree deodorant commercial, our own Alex Morgan was the star! In case you didn’t know, Morgan is a boss soccer player who graduated from UC Berkeley two years ago. She played all four years, ending as the Cal women’s soccer team’s season leading scorer. Oh, and she also played in the 2012 London Olympic Games … no big deal.

The commercial is part of the “DO:MORE” challenge and includes inspiring scenes of her warm-ups for soccer while she speaks inspiringly about the sport in the background and then switches gears when she says, “Being passionate means pushing yourself. For me, that goes beyond soccer.” Of course, “going beyond” soccer simply means participating in another physical activity — paddle boarding. But hey, at least we know she’s athletic in other sporting fields! The best part? She’s carrying a Cal athletic bag in a few of the scenes.

So how does deodorant have anything to do with her cool life? Well, at the end, the commercial throws in, “Degree, it won’t let you down.” All right … so, basically, they just wanted us to be inspired by Morgan so we will buy deodorant.

As strange as it seems, it kind of works. I mean, we would buy Degree deodorant after watching this commercial just because of how awesome Alex Morgan seems. The coolest part is we get to say we went to the same school as her … and now we can smell like her too!

One thing the commercial didn’t mention is that Morgan graduated a semester early with a political economy degree. She inspires us to know that all of our hard work and stress will pay off in the end, especially if we decide to “do more,” as Morgan did. Who knows, you may be the next famous Cal alum whom everyone is raving about.

Contact Kristen McFadden at

The post How to: smell like Alex Morgan appeared first on The Daily Californian.

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