Recreation center celebrates 10 years

Originally Posted on via UWIRE

The Campus Recreation and Wellness Center celebrated its 10th anniversary Monday.

The Recreation Center is more than just a rock wall, said Floyd Robinson, assistant vice president for Student Affairs — Health and Wellness.

“(The Recreation Center) is a facility for the students, and the fact that freshmen, alumni and faculty all have engaging options shows that they are doing something right,” Robinson said.

Kim Clark, the director of campus recreation, said she is grateful to the students of UH and hopes to maintain and build on their hard work and ambitions for the facility and programs.

“What I really want to do is thank the students who passed the referendum 15 years ago to build this facility. They decided to leave a legacy and that is to be commended,” Clark said.

Clark said she hopes to expand on that. She said the Recreation Center plans to continue to grow and keep up with improvements and fitness trends that will encourage UH students to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To continue improvements, the Recreation Center will be conducting benchmark studies that will help evaluate their facilities and services compared to universities across the country. This will provide a national perspective that will benefit the institution.

Clark said she encourages students and staff to email and submit comment cards to foster a positive, diverse and continuously-improving environment for everyone.

The staff of the Recreation Center, which includes more than 250 students, pride themselves on leadership development, student development, communication skills, conflict resolution, customer service and being a fun place to work, Robinson said.

It’s all about balance, diversity and maintaining the legacy that students over a decade ago put into place, Clark said.

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