Why Saint Louis will beat Oregon

The Emerald asked the sports desk at the Saint Louis University News. Here’s what Chris Ackels & Tony Traina had to say…

In the spirit of this year’s, “Defend, Rebound” motto, these should be the only two words written about how SLU will win. Against Oregon, the defense will focus largely on contesting all shots. The Ducks have spot up shooters than can knock it down from seven feet or 27 feet, so the Billikens’ defense will need to have a hand in everyone’s face Saturday. Oregon guards Dominic Artis and Johnathon Loyd can penetrate and create opportunities inside for Arsalan Kazemi and outside for E.J. Singler, a brilliant spot-up shooter. However, the Billikens’ bigger, stronger, and older guards, led by Mike McCall Jr., Kwamain Mitchell, and Jordair Jett will blanket the Ducks’ backcourt on the defensive end and may prove too much to handle.

The pace game is usually one SLU can win, and they’ll want to control the pace against Oregon as well. Oregon will want to stretch the floor and run, so the Billikens will have to be careful to slow down the game. On the boards, SLU will need to force Kazemi out of the paint if possible to counteract his rebounding abilities. Cody Ellis, Grandy Glaze, and Rob Loe will have to help Dwayne Evans crash the boards. In addition, Loe’s outside shooting and Dwayne Evans’ new found midrange jumper should help prove difficult matchups for the Ducks and help pull the Ducks’ trees out of the paint. All in all, if SLU plays their usual style of game, defined by a stingy defense and paint presence, they should be the favorites in this matchup. It will be important not to let the Ducks’ athleticism and speed take over the game, but more often than not, it has been the Billikens’ hounding defense that has overwhelmed opponents.

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/2013/03/23/why-saint-louis-will-beat-oregon/
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