Bath salts legislation needed in Maine

Originally Posted on The Maine Campus via UWIRE

A bill that has been proposed by Maine State Sen. Edward Mazurek will make importing bath salts and other synthetic hallucinogenic substances illegal. Although production and possession bath salts are illegal in the state of Maine, the substance is still accessible through the Internet. The bill is important for the state, due to the fact that the majority of the drugs that end up on our streets are brought into the state rather than being produced here.

The number of bath salts incidents throughout the state has been increasing in recent years. The synthetic drug has been connected to numerous instances of psychosis in the people that use it. For example, an Ellsworth woman believed she was a grizzly bear when she was encountered by the police. Another woman pulled her teeth out, believing they were infested by ticks. When we read about the things this drug has compelled people to do, we sometimes find humor in the absurdity; but we should be more fearful of the potential effect it can have on our communities.

The bill Mazurek proposed is a good idea and a huge step in the right direction. It could keep the drug out of the hands of youth in our communities that law enforcement is worried will be hit most by the drug’s accessibility. Swift action is going to be the best solution for controlling it. The next step is to educate people about what the drug can do if it is taken and the dangers of using it. Educating the public will also raise awareness about the drug to parents and teachers, to prevent children from using and keep it out of schools. The importance of keeping children away from the drug is threatened by the ability for anyone to purchase the drug on the Internet.

Of course we won’t be able to catch everyone who wishes to purchase the drug, but with education and laws like this one we can significantly lower the access. We should be more aware of drugs like this in our communities.

Bath salts cause people to act erratically, and violence is often involved. We could even see a lowering of violent crime in the greater Bangor area and the state, overall. Maine’s need for outside drug enforcement would be curbed as well. With a strong community, we can come together to prevent bath salts from taking over and causing any more problems.

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