Yale ranked 17th on list of “Colleges Where Students Are Hot and Smart”

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Yale was ranked 17th in hotness by Business Insider. It was really hotness + smartness, but I don’t care about smartness. I care about hotness. We’re told we’re collectively smart all the time. I remember during freshman orientation Mary Miller told us to look around because we were sitting next to the leaders of tomorrow. I felt rather sad for Mike on my left and Akbar on my right because I was not going to be a leader of tomorrow, or a leader in two weeks, or really a leader ever. So they were each only sitting next to one leader of tomorrow.

But when was the last time we were told we’re collectively hot? I feel hotter already, like the time my dad told me I would eventually grow into my nose (until that point I was unaware I hadn’t grown into my nose).

The article even had quotes to illustrate our hotness. I love quotes! I especially love quotes when I have three more pages to write on the portrayal of Christ in Medieval Art and nothing left to say.

“Most of the guys and girls are really, really, ridiculously good-looking. It’s apparent that many people put thought and consideration into their physical appearance; it’s reflected both in the style of clothes they wear and the care they put into their hair, face, nails, etc.”

Me too, me too! I have a personal style it’s called the high bun and wearing yoga pants when you don’t do yoga (I do have a yoga mat I practice corpse pose on–otherwise known as taking a nap).

Read more here: http://yaleherald.com/bullblog/yale-ranked-number-17-on-list-of-colleges-where-students-are-hot-and-smart/
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