Letter to the Editor, Jack Issue version

Originally Posted on The Pioneer | Whitman news since 1896. via UWIRE

To the editor,

This piece was so obtuse that it came across as nothing more than a writer learning that he or she can write the word “penis” in print and not get in trouble. Once taught that belief, one repeats it. I do not believe it. In fact, I believe quite the opposite.

If that was the choice of the people who participated with the reporter, fine. If it was not, it is not at all fine.

You, as an editor of The Pioneer, do not understand it as a publication that serves the Whitman community as a whole, but as an organ devoted to the interests of its readership as defined by your understanding of the student body. It is not a newspaper. It is an advocacy publication presenting itself as a newspaper. Just like Fox News.

In short, we are disappointed and disgusted by your article. The article and remaining papers should be recalled. Do remember that although journalistic dishonesty is not under the purview of the school, academic dishonesty is.


the Whitman campus

Read more here: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/whitmanpio/~3/nOE1hs7V-50/
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