A Letter from Amaker

27 March 2013

Dear Harvard Community,

On behalf of our basketball program, I can’t thank you enough for the amazing outpouring that has enveloped our team during and since our recent NCAA Tournament experience. We have been truly humbled by the incredible support that has been shown to us from all corners of our university. We feel privileged to be a part of this community with you, and we were honored to represent Harvard over the past weeks. As Laurent Rivard ’14 responded to a reporter’s question at our NCAA press conference, “…Everybody at Harvard, not just the basketball team, but everybody has other talents [besides just] being smart.” It has been a unique privilege for everyone in our program to write one small page in the Harvard story.

It has been a thrilling few weeks, but we want to thank you as well for the constant support all year long, which propelled us to our 3rd straight Ivy League title and our historic NCAA win. To the band, cheer teams, faculty, staff and all members of the Harvard Community, THANK YOU!

As always, a very special THANK YOU to our students! They continue to fight for our team in a positive manner that is truly representative of this great institution. I continue to be very proud of what you do—and how you do it.

Congratulations!! Thank you!! And Go Crimson!

Coach Tommy Amaker



Read more here: http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2013/4/3/Amaker-thankletter-2013/
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