The best light, simple meals for spring

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Best food to cook:

When it comes to making springtime food, it’s best to keep it simple. Complicated meals mean more time inside and less time out enjoying the sun. Here are a few yummy options to try:

(Creative Commons photo by Flickr user By TheHungryDudes)

Chicken curry salad

You’ll need:
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 teaspoons water
1 chopped apple
1/3 cup chopped celery
3 tablespoons raisins
A teeny tiny bit of salt
1 cup of chicken

Combine mayo, curry and water in a bowl before adding the other ingredients. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can cook your own boneless chicken breast, but using canned chicken is much easier and saves a lot of time. It sounds gross but it really doesn’t taste any different or matter in a salad like this. Even if you’re not a huge curry fan, this is a good recipe to try because the curry flavor isn’t overpowering. It’s great to eat with pita chips, but is also tasty as a sandwich or in a pita pocket.

(Creative Commons photo by Flickr user sporkist)

Turkey burgers

You’ll need:
1 pound ground turkey
Tortilla chips
Cheddar cheese (or your personal favorite)
Toppings (tomato, lettuce, grilled onion, avocado)

Turkey has a harder time holding together than beef, so the chips and salsa help give it a little glue. If you have a grill, use that to cook the burgers. Otherwise, it also works to broil them in the oven for about seven minutes per side.

You’re probably wondering why you would bother to make a turkey burger when you could make a perfectly good hamburger instead. The answer is simple: turkey burgers are delicious. Yet you can’t pretend it will taste the same as a hamburger because it won’t. I look at turkey burgers the same way I look at organic Pop-Tarts … they’re not real Pop-Tarts, but they still taste just as good.


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