Tim Reed Elected ASWC President, 2013-14 Executive Council Announced

Originally Posted on The Pioneer | Whitman news since 1896. via UWIRE

Results for ASWC’s 2013-2014 Executive Council were released a little bit after 8 p.m. on Monday night, April 8.

Sophomore Tim Reed was announced as next year’s ASWC President with 61.3 percent of the vote. Junior Rania Mussia was elected Nominations Chair, beating first-year Allison Kelly in a close race with 54.2 percent of the vote. Junior Brian Choe won the position of Vice President and sophomore Tatiana Kaehler won Finance Chair in uncontested races.

In the presidential race, sophomore Zac Parker came in second with 19.6 percent of the vote, and junior Zach Johnston followed close behind with 18 percent.

“I feel very privileged to have this opportunity and this honor to be president. It truly means the world to me, and I’m excited to really build off what ASWC has done this year in a really constructive and positive way for next year,” said Reed following the announcement of the poll results.

946 voters turned in a ballot for this year’s presidential election—around 60 percent of the student body.

This marks the second year in a row in which a rising junior has been elected to the position of ASWC President, with two out of this year’s three presidential candidates running as sophomores in a relatively unusual turn.

Read more here: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/whitmanpio/~3/GdVVhUx9LGY/
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