Elections 2013

Originally Posted on CSU-Pueblo Today via UWIRE

Photo courtesy of http://www.colostate-pueblo.edu/

The Associated Students’ Government elections will remain open until April 11 at 4 p.m. Photo courtesy of http://www.colostate-pueblo.edu/

Associated Students’ Government elections polls are now open and students were able to begin voting on April 9 at 8 a.m. The polls will remain open until April 11 at 4 p.m.

The ASG is the students’ governing body and promotes student life and the general welfare of the student body. It also addresses student concerns and/or complaints regarding any campus issue.

ASG works to make students aware of administrative decisions on campus by having senators as representatives on most of the boards and committees on campus.

The election was put on by a group of students hoping to recruit their peers and get them interested in running for a position in ASG.

There are 14 senator positions and the president/vice-president positions that students are able to run for. The election commission is responsible for recruiting as many students as possible to run to fill these positions.

The students who run for and win these positions will be the official ASG members of the 2013-14 academic school year.

It is extremely important for students to vote in this election because students who are elected will be the voice of the students at Colorado State University- Pueblo; these students will make it possible for the students’ voices to be heard while dealing with internal as well as external issues.

For background information on all of the candidates, and see why they chose to run to be a part of ASG, follow the ink for their bios. http://www.colostate-pueblo.edu/ASGElections/Pages/Candidates.aspx

How to Vote:

1. Log into your PAWS account.

2. Click on the Voting link (allow a few seconds for the voting ballot window to open).

3. Click on the box of the candidate(s) you want to be your representative(s) in each of the categories.

4. Click “submit” to cast your ballot.

5. Make sure to log out of your PAWS account.

“It’s so important to vote so that you can be knowledgeable of things going on around campus through your student government,” said Mario Ruiz, sophomore Spanish major.

“You should know who’s representing you and your peers on campus, I mean we all have to go here why not get someone who is going to try to make campus a better place into these positions,” said Kelvin Watson, sophomore computer information systems major.

The Election Commission will be around campus for the next two days, hoping to educate more students on the election as well as getting them to vote before time runs out.

For more information, please contact the Office of Student Services at 549-2586, or email elections@colostate-pueblo.edu.

Read more here: http://csupueblotoday.com/news/elections-2013
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