Photos: Final hours of campaigning as ASUO elections draw to a close

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Junior student Liz Avalos, right, twirls around her dance partner Dayra Quintero as the pair salsa dance in front of the Ducks for a Difference campaign tent outside the EMU. The volunteers were on hand to give support to Lamar Wise’s campaign during the final hours of voting on Friday, April 11. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

ASUO presidential candidate Lamar Wise chats with a student along West 13th Street on Thursday, April 10, as he explains portions of his Ducks for a Difference campaign platform. The online-only voting for ASUO elections closes at 4 p.m. on Friday, April 11. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

ASUO presidential candidate Sam Dotters-Katz, right, works the phone banks with his brother Ben in their mobile campaign headquarters, an RV that has been parked outside the EMU all week. The pair are calling students who have verbally committed to the United Oregon campaign to confirm that they have voted. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

Junior Nick Hughes strikes up a conversation with a passing couple outside of the Lillis Business Complex on Thursday, April 10. Hughes, who has worked with the ASUO since January as an environmental advocate, remained upbeat as many passersby pretended to ignore the campaigners scattered throughout campus, including Hughes: “I’m trying to inform people about what DFAD is doing to do next year … I just want people to make an informed vote.” (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

United Oregon campaigner Alex Sacco stares intently at a Greek life spreadsheet on his computer as he decides which Greek houses still need to be contacted in the final hours of voting. Sacco, the co-director of United Oregon’s Greek team, is seated beside Sam Dotters-Katz in their mobile campaign headquarters, an RV that has been parked outside the EMU all week. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

United Oregon volunteer Moriah Frazier chats with her friend Ben Sax outside of Johnson Hall on Tuesday, April 10. Frazier was petitioning to increase the amount of emotional counseling available on campus for students. Sax, who had not yet voted, admitted that “I don’t pay attention to politics all that much, especially university politics, but I will make sure to take a look at all sides tonight and try to form a non-biased opinion based on all the various platforms that they have.”(Michael Arellano/Emerald)

United Oregon campaigner Mack Smith, who is running for ASUO Senate seat 12, distributes free hugs (and the occasional high-five) to students and faculty strolling through campus. “I love being out on the street,” the energetic freshman student notes. “I love getting to know all these new people.” Senate seat 12 represents undeclared and language studies students. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

United Oregon campaigner Ryan Fritsen, right, chats with senior mathematics student Phillip Jones. “I will vote for United Oregon I think,” Jones noted, “just because he’s the first person to talk to me today.” Fritsen is running for Senate seat 9 DSC (Dept. of Finance Committee). (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

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