THE MIRROR: Editor’s Note

Hanover springs are a tease. When we think of spring term, we often fast forward to Green Key days, forgetting the rain, and snow, that make spring the wettest season of all. Sixty-degree days are dangled before us, then snatched away. Shorts season begins, but never officially. By the time the sun is out to stay, it’s the fourth week of May and reading week imminent. Like with so much else at Dartmouth, we hold off on the present for the sake of the (near) future, leaving ourselves little time to appreciate the mud for what it is.

We’d do well to remind ourselves that it doesn’t have to be a perfect, sun-filled day for us to make the most of the season. Nearby hiking opportunities call our name, Jurassic Park is playing at the Nugget, in 3D no less, and gelato tastes good on any day.

[In this week’s issue] ( we explore an Upper Valley gem and investigate Teach For America’s widely criticized organizational structure. We inquire about smoking culture at Dartmouth, and reflect on the lack of poetic breathers we take as students, constantly overwhelmed by commitments that perhaps matter less than we would have ourselves believe. As looming exams and harsher weather take a toll on our initial springtime euphoria, let’s take a moment to appreciate the now instead of just jumping ahead. One day the sun will come out for good and the Green will be green, but until then, the gray skies will just have to do. Happy Friday!

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