Dr. Date

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Dr. Date,

I have a biological problem. I used to be able to come with flying colors every time my guy and I had sex. But lately I haven’t been, and I really don’t know why. We are trying to figure out what works for me, but it isn’t helping and is only putting a strain and pressure on both of us. What can I do to figure out how I can get back to the best part of boning? How can I tell my guy that it’s not his fault but still suggest things he can try?



Dear F***strated,

Welcome to the miserable Island of Dry Spell. It is natural for every relationship to vacation here every once in a while. The trip usually doesn’t last long, and with a few of my helpful hints, I’m sure you can draw your own roadmap back to Pleasureville.

First of all, I would be surprised if you and your long-term partner had amazing, acrobatic, simultaneous-orgasm sex every time — surprised and jealous, so stop freaking out. Remember, this isn’t forever. Your big O finish will return, but the more you put that pressure on yourself, the less likely you are to have a happy ending.

Next, remember the journey is the destination. Perhaps you are having trouble building to that moment of ecstasy because you aren’t in the moment. It all adds up in the end.

As far as your man friend is concerned, I would take some time to do a little solo travel before you sign him on for the orgasm-rescue mission. Once you arrive safely, it will be easier to give him concise and clear direction. Bon Voyage, and Godspeed.

Dr. Date


Dr. Date,

I recently went to my new boyfriend’s apartment for the first time. He lives with five other guys, and it was disgusting. There were dirty dishes on the living room floor, there was moldy food in the fridge and the bathroom looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years. I really don’t want to go back until it’s clean — and I definitely don’t want to stay the night there — but I’m not sure how to bring it up without offending him.

Grossed Out


Dear Gross Patrol,

I’m shocked at how shocked you are at six college-age dudes sharing a living space. It’s going to be gross, duh.

Here’s what happens when a bunch of bros live together. They never put the seat down. They give everything the sniff test before they put it on. They use a single sponge for an entire year. They don’t establish boundaries about food or common spaces, so they assume that everything is another guy’s problem, and they don’t deal with it. They will attempt to clean — spray some Lysol and maybe take out the trash — before a big party, and then the house gets trashed to the point where it is worse than before the cleaning. The cycle repeats. They wallow in their filth and then move out and let their landlord deal with it.

Welcome to college. You have two options to deal with this situation. If you really want to stay at your boy’s party palace but can’t stay in it in its current state, you can clean it. You’ll be comfortable, but if you’re not careful, you’ll quickly become a live-in maid.

The other option is to never stay at the dude’s house. If he asks why, tell him that it’s because his house is a pigsty and you don’t want to wake up smelling like gin-vomit and hotdogs. You may be surprised that your little proclamation will inspire a very Martha Stewart attitude in the house. Because your boy likes you, he’ll want you to like him — and that includes his living quarters. They may not be perfect after his first sweep-through, but his effort should be enough for one sleepover at least.

Dr. Date

Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/dr-date/2013/04/16/dr-date
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