The Bulldog Day effect

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Yesterday, I was meeting my pre-frosh. Well, technically, she wasn’t my pre-frosh, but I really liked her, so I’m going to appropriate her as mine. She asked where I wanted to meet. Not wanting her to get lost (I can be very considerate sometimes) I said wherever’s convenient. It turned out Woolsey Hall was convenient. Ten minutes before we were supposed to meet, I came to the awkward conclusion that I had no fucking clue where Woolsey Hall was. I know where Woolsey Statue is (I once wrote an Art History essay on it; it was delightful, like drinking expired soy milk), but I know that will impress no one. At first, I was going to ask her where it was. But asking your pre-frosh for directions is highly embarrassing, even for me, and I make apple maps look accurate. So I called my friend Mike, my equivalent of Google Maps.

The point of that tangent isn’t that I now know where Woolsey Hall is, which I do! The point is that sometimes it’s important to spend time with a pre-frosh, mainly because their enthusiasm about college, and Yale in particular, is contagious. Mainly because they appreciate things we no longer see, let alone bother to look at. Mainly because they remind of how lucky we are to go here.

So, before it’s too late, grab a pre-frosh and ask them to tell you about Yale. Better yet, ask them to take you around Yale. You’ll experience what I like to call the Bulldog Day effect.

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