Community garden grows knowledgeable students

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Gardens have many purposes in the world. At UH, a community garden was created as part of a program to help students put what they learn in a classroom into a real-life setting. The community garden is just one of the many projects for the UH Community Learning Agricultural Sustainability Program, which focuses on reducing waste and cultivation.

“Part of the idea is to have a fun and tangible method for students to explore what they’re learning about the sustainability of the food system and to enjoy being outside while doing so,” said Leah Wolfthal, sustainability coordinator. “I believe the term the administration likes to use is ‘living-learning laboratory.’”

Service projects, extra credit and connecting first-hand experience to classroom knowledge is what brings more students to this program. People are welcome to volunteer their time to help out CLASP, which includes the community garden.

The Office of Sustainability was originally called UH Green, but changed its name to help raise awareness of the issue. Along with projects like the community garden, the office hosts events to get students aware and involved. There is a Green Commuter Fair, Green UH Day, RecycleMania and Earth Day.

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