UO celebrates Earth Week 2013 with a variety of events

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

For the past three months, a group of University of Oregon students have collaborated and planned an array of events to help the campus celebrate Earth Week 2013.

The celebration begins on April 22 and lasts through the 26th. It aims to get students involved in livability and sustainability through art, music, workshops and more. Students will be putting on 30 events on campus throughout the course of the week.

Each day will represent a different theme, ranging from food, water and waste to justice and empowerment. The respective themes reflect the broad range of areas students are working on in the campus community.

“Earth Week offers an opportunity for people to realize that it’s not just purely environmental,” said Louisa de Heer, student sustainability coordinator, “but also offers a view on the economic and social justice side of things and how they all interrelate to sustainability.”

The week’s events will commence with the “Sustainability and Food Fair” on Monday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the EMU Amphitheater. There will be giveaways, games, free local food and a bike-powered blender operated by students that makes fresh smoothies — free of charge to anyone who walks by.

Mid-week will see a variety of events ranging from film screenings and bike rides to slam poetry.

The week’s events will close with the annual Bike Music Fest, a free concert that is completely bike powered. It will start on campus with hip-hop music and a slam poetry event. At 8 p.m., the crowd will bike through Eugene with the LiveOnBike crew, finishing at Cozmic Pizza for more live music and entertainment.

Students will be staffing the events throughout the week at the top of the EMU Amphitheater to direct people and answer questions.
“I hope students can find something they want to learn about and take the chance of learning more,” de Heer said. “In the future, I hope for greater collaboration and emphasizing the importance of sustainability on campus.”

For more information and specific details, visit the Earth Week website.

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/2013/04/18/activating-collective-energy-earth-week-2013/
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