BREAKING: Commons has a fence

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

If you needed another reason to not go to Commons for lunch (#pigeons), here you go: there is now one of those Disneyland-style rope fences around the food. According to one dining hall manager, this is “both for crowd control and because way too many people were getting in Commons without swiping.” So basically, every time you want to get more food, you have to swipe again and pass through the fence–it doesn’t count as another meal, but the magic tracker thing in your ID just lets them make sure you’re not some schmuck who entered through a side door hoping to pass by the lax security and snag a muffin. Hey, we’ve all been there. I just don’t want to endure the scrutiny of the Commons ladies when I swipe in for the sixth time.  I want a multi-course, piecemeal, Basta-style lunch and I don’t want your judgment.


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