Travel Tuesday: Berkeley’s secret waterfall

Now that you’ve spent the past week roasting in long-missed Berkeley sunshine, the Clog has decided to share a vital piece of information with you: Berkeley has a secret waterfall!

OK, fine. We’re not talking Yosemite Falls here, but it’s still pretty cool. Less than a 20-minute walk from North Gate, this waterfall is definitely less cliche than the Big C (not to mention less traumatizing for your quads). Winding through aged staircases and beautiful redwoods, the incredibly short path to this secret getaway is an adventure in itself. If you find yourself on Northside in the next few weeks, we definitely recommend that you check out this hidden Berkeley wonder.

The Trek:

Beginning at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Tamalpais Path, continue about 50 feet until you reach the foot of a winding concrete staircase. After ascending five collections of stairs, look to your left for a waist-high unlocked gate. It’s possible to pass through the gate, but trek respectfully because you might run into a few personal backyards. Follow the slim dirt trail for about 200 yards; when you reach a fork in the road, always keep to the left.

The Reward:

If you’re a fan of impressive redwood groves, waterfalls or quality peace and quiet, this will be a fun little journey for you. The trail is completely shaded, and there is a plank straddling the cascade that could make a wonderful study spot. Whether you want to impress your springtime date with a scenic walk, enjoy a secret picnic spot or hike somewhere that’s not littered with tourists, this waterfall is a convenient, must-see Berkeley getaway.

As always, enjoy your adventures!

Contact Katherine Velicki at

The post Travel Tuesday: Berkeley’s secret waterfall appeared first on The Daily Californian.

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